Monday 15 May 2017

Party Time with the Tutu's!

So, finally, there was hardly a week left for my daughters 4th birthday. Krisha and Samaira (my girls) have been eagerly waiting for their day since two months. Both the girls and Abhinav(My husband) are best friends when it comes to shopping. Not all men are fond of shopping. Even Abhinav belonged to the majority gang who hates shopping with women. During our college days, I had to literally drag him to the malls or stores. That was long back when we were like kids. Now we are happily married couples and also the proud parents of adorable twins. My husband is very attached to his bunnies and never fails to spend time with them. He finally had to learn the shopping tactics to bring a smile on the munchkin's faces when they created tantrums at the shopping malls.  

He steps into every kid's store and comes out empty handed without purchasing anything. It's very hard to impress him at times. And then, finally, Foreverkidz came to rescue, which was suggested by one of his colleagues. I'm glad that we gave a try. The store has made online shopping for kids much easier than we actually thought. It has a plethora of tutu dresses for girls that we ended up buying a bunch of em. Below are some of the outfits that we really liked and will love them to share with you as well.

1. The Pink Fantasy Tutu Dress

Pink Fantasy Tutu Dress

This adorable pink tutu dress has little roses embedded on the top of the dress. The tulle fabric of the skirt is stitched with the perfect fluff and meters to give a perfect fuzziness down there. The best part of the outfit is the straps on the shoulders which hold as a support and does not allow sliding down from the sides.

2. Lil Miss Sassy Couture

Lil Miss Sassy Couture
This attire was loved by all of us including the girls. It features flowers and petals flowing on the top. The belt around the waist gives a perfect fit as well. The bottom is made with yards of flowing pink tulle with soft satin lining inside.

 3. The Lilac perfection Tutu Gown

Lilac perfection Tutu Gown


The attire is made of a beautiful purple color that makes both of our angels stand out like an attractive lily. The bottom of the dress has yards and yards of purples and mauve to create a voluminous fluff. The best part is the violet-purple ribbon to tie for sleeves on shoulder. Krisha is so addicted to this one that she has been donning the same for family outings as well.    

4. The Sunshine Splash Baby Dress

Sunshine Splash Baby Dress

This short attire is best for all the naughty kids who can’t stay at one place. It comes in a knee-length design. The top of the dress is simple satin that stays soft on the skin with knee length fluffs attached to the dress. We styled it with matching ballerinas and headbands.

5. Beige Beauty Tutu Dress

Beige Beauty Tutu Dress
This pretty white dress is an absolutely charming way to dress for a party. It features a fluff with net long length. The soft satin underlining skirt stays soft on the skin. The full, fluffy and fancy dress is loved by Samaira. The Selfie queen never fails to grab her father’s phone for selfie’s when she slips into this attire.  

Above are some of the tutu dresses that we loved and purchased for our kids. Grab one for your munchkins as well and do let us know the experience like I just shared.

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